S.U.P.E.R. 25th Anniversary Logo

Guiding S.U.P.E.R. with Passion, Purpose, and Expertise

Our Leadership Team

Leading with Heart and Vision

Our leadership team is united by a shared commitment to empowering students and fostering an environment where every child can thrive. With decades of combined experience in education, cognitive development, and faith-based leadership, our team brings both professional expertise and personal dedication to supporting our neurodiverse community.

Guided by our mission to celebrate individuality and promote academic, emotional, and social growth, the S.U.P.E.R. leadership team works tirelessly to ensure every family feels supported, heard, and valued. Together, we are shaping the future of inclusive education and helping students unlock their full potential.

“I have worn many hats over the years, filling in wherever there was a need. But my favorite is being with the students. I often go out and sit in the picnic pavilion and marvel at what the Lord has done through S.U.P.E.R. I feel unbelievably humbled that He trusts me to lead this team and speak into the lives of these children.”

“God’s hands are in everything we do here. We work very hard day in and day out, but every night God rejuvenates our spirits, and we return to school every morning refreshed and with a smile on our face. Miracles happen every single day at S.U.P.E.R. Learning Center, and being a witness who can testify to them is awesome!”

“I am passionate about making sure students receive a quality education that meets their academic, spiritual, social, and emotional needs. I believe school should be a place students love to be and where they are able to thrive. Everyone from the maintenance staff to administration truly love the students. Every staff member is invested in changing the world one student at a time. It’s really cool to see a whole school community come together to celebrate the students.”

“I absolutely LOVE my job! Being part of S.U.P.E.R. is more than just work—it’s a joy and a privilege. Watching our students learn, grow, and discover their potential is beyond rewarding, but the real magic happens in those moments when a connection is made—when a breakthrough happens, and you see the light in their eyes. There’s truly no better feeling! These kids feel like my own, and I am so blessed to be a part of their journey.”

The S.U.P.E.R. Story

S.U.P.E.R. stands for Students Using Proven Educational Resources, and we are the area’s leading autism early childhood education and autism high school facility. Unlike most schools, S.U.P.E.R. Learning Center was born out of one family’s desperation and determination to provide their daughters with the best educational experience possible.

In 2000, founders Kirk and Lyn Goodwin’s youngest daughter Alyssa was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck and spent her first two years on life support. In the years that followed, the Goodwins focused their time and energy on Alyssa’s special needs and, fearing their older daughter wasn’t receiving the attention she deserved, they decided to homeschool both girls.

Alyssa suffered from cognitive learning delays and dyslexia, prompting Lyn to spend hours researching instruction methods designed to help students with special needs. As word began to spread of Alyssa’s exemplary progress, the Goodwins began receiving dozens of calls from parents of special needs children who needed her help. In 2004 Lyn opened her home to other families like hers, and S.U.P.E.R. Learning Center was started. In five short years, S.U.P.E.R. moved from the Goodwin’s basement into the former Lakemore Elementary School building. With 17 education rooms, a sensory wing, a library, a computer lab, a baseball field, a full playground, a Fast ForWord lab, a computer lab, a physical cognitive skills (PCS) training room, and outdoor recreation facility, S.U.P.E.R. is a fully-functional school offering a broad curriculum and …

In five short years, S.U.P.E.R. moved from the Goodwin’s basement into the former Lakemore Elementary School building. With 17 education rooms, a sensory wing, a library, a baseball field, a full playground, a Fast ForWord lab, individual student laptops, a physical cognitive skills (PCS) training room, and outdoor recreation facility, S.U.P.E.R. is a fully-functional school offering a broad curriculum and a variety of extra-curricular activities.

S.U.P.E.R.  works with each student to find an individualized curriculum designed specifically for them. We use socialization, physical fitness, academic, and life skills to help each student uncover his or her unique heroic potential.